Frequently Asked Questions
Your questions answered
TRACE Enforcement Group is part of APN Group, which provides an end-to-end debt resolution solution for the public, private and commercial sectors, including a dedicated in-house litigation solution via our Moorside Legal law firm.
Trace Debt Recovery Ltd is part of TRACE Enforcement Group, and focuses on debt recovery.
We are members of relevant industry associations for the different services we provide.
For private parking (relating to Parking Charge Notices for parking on private land) we are a member of both the International Parking Community and the British Parking Association, which administer a joint Code of Practice for private parking. You can find out more about this here.
For enforcement of road traffic offences (e.g. Penalty Charge Notices, unpaid tolls) we are members of the British Parking Association and the Civil Enforcement Association.
We are a member of the Credit Services Association which oversees debt collection by its members.
To see memberships and accreditations of our law firm Moorside Legal please visit their website.
A Parking Charge Notice is issued where parking rules have been breached on private land or a car park which is managed by a private landowner. It can be fixed to a windscreen or sent via the post. The majority of charges are issued under contract law and it is the responsibility of motorists to check they are permitted to park there and the requirements for parking in that location.
Penalty Charge Notices are issued by local authorities for contravening parking regulations either on-street (parking bays, yellow lines etc), off-street (in council owned car parks) or for moving traffic or road charging schemes (yellow box junctions, bus lanes, Low Emission Zones or toll roads or bridges operated by a local authority).
An Unpaid Toll Charge Notice is issued when someone fails to pay the required toll by the deadline after travel. If you have questions about Tyne Tunnels’s toll please visit their website.
Please contact us so we can update our records if we have incorrect or our of date information. We appreciate this might be a nuisance but the sooner we can resolve it the less chance there is of you receiving any contact that isn’t meant for you.
Our contact centre team can be reached on 0333 577 4447 and are available Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm
There are several methods available to pay your outstanding debt.
Online: Payment can be made using our secure online payment system. Click here
Set up a payment plan: Use our secure Customer Portal to manage your case online and set up an affordable payment plan. Click Here
Telephone: Credit and debit card payments can be made by calling 03300 080 477. Please note this is a secure 24-hour automated service for card payments only.
Once a Parking Charge Notice has been passed to debt recovery the opportunity to appeal it has passed. Appeal information is clearly stated on the initial notice from the Private Parking Operator responsible for managing the private car park.
If you have received a Penalty Charge Notice issued by a local authority you will have been sent information about options to appeal this with the Traffic Enforcement Centre, based at Northampton County Court. Specific circumstances apply, and the process is to file an Out of Time Witness Statement.
The local authority can oppose the appeal if it feels you do not have grounds for appeal and a court officer will make the final decision. We have no involvement in this process, and can only act on the instructions of our client or of the court.
Private parking operators and local authorities are permitted to apply to the DVLA for vehicle keeper details when a contravention has occurred.
This takes place via a secure link and the private operator or local authority are provided with the last known registered keeper’s name and address.
Initial correspondence from the operator or local authority will be sent to the address provided by the DVLA. These details are passed to us when the case progresses to the debt recovery stage.
We may use other tracing services to obtain contact details and any forwarding address.
If you believe you have already paid, please contact us and we can check this for you.
Our Contact Centre Team can be reached on 0333 577 4447 and are available Monday to Friday 09.00am – 5.00pm.
You must not ignore this outstanding debt.
If you owe money to a private parking operator and don’t pay it this may result in a County Court Judgment against you, which would include additional charges for solicitors and affect your credit rating.
This action can be taken for debts of up to six years, and a County Court Judgment can potentially be transferred to the High Court for enforcement.
For local authority debts a Warrant of Control issued by the Traffic Enforcement Centre can be obtained for the recovery of the sum outstanding. Enforcement Agents (formerly known as bailiffs) will be instructed to attend the premises and if necessary remove goods to cover the debt.
This action will incur additional charges, these are clearly stated on the documents provided along with payment options. If enforcement agents are unable to collect the sums due there are further measures available to local authorities, should they wish to use them, including the transfer of cases to the County Court for enforcement.
You must call the mobile number straight away. Our Enforcement Agents have a legal power to collect debts by removing your goods for sale at Public Auction if necessary. They may be able to allow you a small amount of time to raise the funds. You should arrange a convenient time for the Agent to revisit you to discuss your options.
Removing goods is the last resort, but if your debt has reached Removal / Sale Stage it is because you have either not contacted us to arrange repayment or because you have defaulted on an agreed payment plan. Your debt must be paid in full to stop the removal of goods.
Schedule Fees recoverable under regulation 4
Enforcement other than under a High Court Writ
Fee Stage | Fixed Fee | Percentage Fee (Regulation 7) Percentage of sum to be recovered exceeding £1500.00 |
Compliance Stage | £75.00 | 0% |
Enforcement Stage | £235.00 | 7.5% |
Sale or Disposal Stage | £110.00 | 7.5% |
Enforcement under a High Court Writ
Fee Stage | Fixed Fee | Percentage Fee (Regulation 7) Percentage of sum to be recovered exceeding £1000.00 |
Compliance Stage | £75.00 | 0% |
First Enforcement Stage | £190.00 | 7.5% |
Second Enforcement Stage | £495.00 | 0% |
Sale or Disposal Stage | £525.00 | 7.5% |
We cannot offer financial advice but will signpost you to organisations qualified to help you. is a great starting point for finding free and accurate advice.
TRACE aim to achieve the highest possible standards in all our services. We have a stringent complaints procedure, should you require any further information please contact our Contact Centre on 0333 577 4447.